Nursery Environment


All our learning spaces are specifically designed with safe, uncluttered, calming interiors. All resources are accessible at child height, to spark their imagination and creativity. Our furniture can be fluidly arranged to meet the developmental needs of children. Our environments enable children to feel safe, comfortable and confident; to be curious and independent explorers.


The design provides a holistic and enriching experience to promote a deep connection between the children and their natural environment. 

Outdoor education invites children to engage their senses, encouraging sensory exploration and cognitive development 

The diverse and ever-changing outdoor setting stimulates curiosity, motivating children to ask questions, make discoveries and develop problem-solving skills. Outdoor learning develops physical well-being, enhances social skills and inspires children to care for the environment.

We believe that the child should be at the centre of everything we do, the individual child always comes first. We recognise that each unique child has individual needs that must always be met.

Our Rooms

BABY BEARS — Baby Room for ages 0 to 2

In the baby room we provide a wide range of activities and resources. We encourage our children to develop confidence and independence through child-led play. We support every child’s freedom to explore by providing a calm, motivational, friendly environment. Our resources are low level, easily accessible and available to all children allowing them to explore an assortment of natural and everyday objects, investigating each object’s shape, texture, material and colour. Through various opportunities we promote cognitive development, communication skills and physical development.

Our resources encourage children to develop self-confidence and self-awareness, along with fine and gross motor skills, speech, language and social skills.

Our hopes for the children are: 

  • To use their senses to explore

  • To have a secure bond with their key person 

  • To explore surroundings and new situations 

  • To show curiosity 

  • To grow and develop holistically 

  • To develop some independence

  • To be supported and prepared for their next developmental stage

CUBS — Toddler room for ages 2 to 3

Our toddler room offers lots of opportunities for the children to develop confidence and become more independent; taking part in some early self-care skills, beginning to take on a role in their own play and becoming aware of emotions – developing aspects of emotional and cognitive self-regulation. 

Our open-ended resources are at the height of the child, enabling the toddlers to access toys and resources at any time to encourage child-initiated play, allowing the children to express their own preferences which supports their individual learning and development.

The goals for our children are: 

  • To develop social skills and play alongside others 

  • To be curious 

  • To persist with challenges 

  • To take (safe) risks 

  • To make choices, have the tools to communicate and freedom to express preferences - likes and dislikes

  • To maintain focus for short periods of time on opportunities that appeal to them

  • To grow and develop holistically

  • To develop independence and self-care skills

  • To be supported and prepared for their next developmental stage

BIG BEARS — Preschool room for ages 3 to 5

We promote independence and focus on ‘school readiness’ in our preschool room, ensuring our children have all the tools for life after nursery. 

Continuous provision is set up so resources can be accessed by the children independently to encourage awe and wonder, confidence and the freedom to express themselves. By the time the children are getting ready to go on to school, we hope for our children to be happy, adventurous and developed a strong sense of self. 

The goals for our children are: 

  • To develop a sense of belonging 

  • To investigate – predict and test ideas

  • Include others in their play

  • To engage in activities and opportunities

  • Take (safe) risks, trialling different methods and approaches 

  • To concentrate and maintain focus for short periods of time – paying attention to details 

  • To be creative

  • To be confident 

  • To celebrate similarities and differences with peers and different cultures 

  • To grow and develop holistically

  • To develop independence and self-care skills

  • To be supported and prepared for their next developmental stage

THE DEN — Sensory Room  

Our small calming sensory room is a wonderful resource to support the management of emotions, allowing access to a safe space where a child’s attention can be immersed and taken away from the distractions of the outside world.

Children flourish when in the right environment